Hughes Strategy services clients across industries and time zones. Our expertise has informed messaging during times of high emotion and stakeholder uncertainty, when our clients face a plant closing, downsizing or a facility crisis.


With the current boom in construction projects, effective communication across multiple stakeholder groups is critical. Whether our clients are seeking permits or sharing building strategies and timelines, Hughes Strategy has experience on the job site and in the design department, ensuring effective communication across teams.

Consumer Goods

Some of the world’s top food and beverage companies rely on Hughes Strategy to coach its leaders – both established and on the fast track. Whether preparing for a tradeshow keynote, a crucial stakeholder conversation or high profile project presentation, our team of coaches, videographers and analysts help these leaders deliver the key message every time.


In the dynamic energy industry, our clients must be nimble and approachable as they interact with communities, leaders and media. Our coaches have worked with field teams managing delicate communication with fence-line neighbors, global production departments communicating across time zones and nationalities, and C-suite executives driving profitable organizations.

Professional Services

Establishing connection and credibility are two vital components when building a relationship. In the highly competitive professional services space, Hughes Strategy clients rely on pointed feedback on their communication style and effectiveness in order to showcase their credentials while building trust with their customers.


Today’s high technology companies blend expertise across age groups and nationalities. Building these disparate groups into functional, highly productive teams depends on top-notch leadership and on-point communication. Hughes Strategy coaches have guided some of the countries’ leading technology companies on multi-generational/multi-cultural teams, advancing women leaders and high-stakes conversations.


Getting from point A to point B applies to good communication as well as transportation. The Hughes Strategy team helps leadership teams build message bridges that convey clear, insightful direction.

We serve the communication needs of companies in diverse industries.