• Presentation Effectiveness

  • Creating Connection to your Audience

  • Executive Presence in Virtual Engagements

  • High Stakes Conversations

  • Panel Participation

  • Keynote Your Vision – Not Just Your Data

From the top leaders of a company to the most junior level employees, success in business depends on one’s ability to share ideas effectively and influence others. The most successful outcomes begin by connecting with an audience.

Hughes Strategy coaches an audience-centered approach to presentations that ensures our clients run more effective meetings, share PowerPoint slides in a more compelling way, and enhance team performance. Our coaches work with presenters using a 3-step PREP process designed to clearly determine WHO their audience is, WHY they are giving the presentation, and WHAT they want their audience to take from the presentation.

Visual, voice and word choice guidelines take an average speaker and make them great. On camera practice, utilized in all Hughes Strategy coaching sessions, with real-time video playback and critique gives our clients insight to improve immediately and chart a course for growth beyond the coaching session.

Business critical communication requires the right preparation.