Leadership Evolution: How Are You Progressing?

By April 4, 2016 Uncategorized
Leadership evolution is a constant challenge.

Leadership evolution is a constant challenge.

Spring has clearly sprung in my part of the world. My garden is coming alive as the roses and azaleas bloom, adding vibrant color and texture to my yard. But spring can be fraught with storms that destroy those blooms in a quick minute. Sometimes, a career feels a bit like spring – glorious wonder and tremendous squalls. It’s a natural progression, but can be unsettling, to say the least.

Our work lives also progress over time as we take on new challenges and learn new skills. Mistakes are made and successes are applauded as we travel our career paths. I found Jim Collins’ book Good to Great in my bookcase recently. Thumbing through the pages, I was reminded of the seven characteristics that cause companies to go from “good” to “great.” I believe these characteristics apply to individuals as well as companies. Leadership, discipline, and humility are all elements of success. But, in my opinion, what separates the individual from the company is passion. Passion for growth – passion for helping people – passion for a challenge. I’m firmly embracing my passion for the coaching space with a renewed vigor these days. Are you in touch with your passion? Do you remember why you’re working?

Famous TED Talker and author Simon Sinek explores this question in his presentation Start With Why – How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Action. It’s the why that gets us moving to greater things. And it’s the why that helps us evolve as leaders. I encourage you to spend some time analyzing your why – and its impact on your leadership skills. Are you true to your why? Is it clearly communicated to your team and stakeholders? Go back to your why and see if it ignites your passion. If it doesn’t, then your leadership will always fall short.

I re-examined my why recently. I was anxious to grow and evolve to the next level in my career. So I started at the beginning. I’m a student of leadership and communication. Seeing good leadership – and good communication – in action energizes me. I’m also passionate about helping people achieve their leadership goals. Whether coaching an experienced leader – or an emerging one – I’m driven to bring out the best in them. The same applies to communication. Finding the right words and the best way to express them is exhilarating. It’s my passion – my why.

So I’m expanding my world to new clients, new industries, and new coaching opportunities. I will be writing weekly about my journey and lessons learned. And I plan to launch new ways in which I can help you improve your leadership and communication skills. I’m excited about this next step in my evolution and look forward to helping you progress on your path.


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