Our coaching team blends seasoned communication trainers and audio/visual professionals to provide our clients with relevant insight and actionable feedback.

Our coaches have provided strategy and guidance to leaders in the world’s largest companies. Working from backgrounds in journalism, public relations and corporate communication, the Hughes Strategy coaching team provides expertise gained over more than two decades.

Working professionals provide real-time evaluation and input to help our clients improve their skills.

Courtney Ramsey Coach

Courtney Ramsey, a professional member of the National Speakers Association (NSA), has coached more than 20,000 associates in effective communication, conflict resolution, leadership and business management. Bringing with her more than 15 years of coaching experience, she joined the Hughes Strategy team in 2018.

As a Certified Training Professional with the Association for Talent Development, Courtney spends significant time coaching authors and speakers to better share their expertise. She is passionate about helping clients better connect to their audiences and prepare for challenging conversations.

Monica Steiner Coach

Monica Steiner has worked in the communication industry for more than 30 years as a journalist and coach. She leads the Spanish-language media training programs for Hughes Strategy.

Monica’s work establishing and teaching in the broadcast journalism department at the vocational college in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, set her on a path toward coaching early in her career. Since that time, she has worked in Spanish language news in the United States as a reporter, anchor, and News Director for Univision Dallas, and as a freelance reporter for BBC Radio Scotland. Today, when she’s not coaching, Monica often participates in podcasts to discuss health and wellness.

Her curiosity and intrigue of people and their stories have taken her to live and work throughout South America, Europe and the United States.  Monica is passionate about helping clients find their voice through the coaching process.

Tim Kridel Coach

Tim Kridel has worked as an independent journalist and analyst for 20 years, primarily covering stories in the technology and telecomm industries. He joined the Hughes Strategy team in 2015, but has coached with Rhonda Hughes in media training programs dating back to 2013.

HS clients regularly compliment the expertise Tim brings to the training room and appreciate his thoughts on what drives reporters during interviews.