Communicating In A Global Society

By April 5, 2016 Uncategorized
Background image with world map and connection lines

Communicating in a global society

Let’s face it – our lives are becoming increasingly more global. From new types of food we regularly enjoy to new people we meet in our work and personal lives, we now engage with people from around the world. While these interactions certainly broaden our horizons, they can cause challenges when it comes to communication.

As a leadership and communications coach, I spend my days working with professionals to improve their verbal, vocal and messaging skills. Information poorly delivered to a diverse audience can result in a serious business issue. But what if we had the opportunity to hone our global communication skills long before we reached the business world?

Recently, I had the opportunity to share my passion for communication with the leaders of the Dallas Independent School District’s Two-Way Dual-Language program. The goal of Dual Language is to provide opportunities for all students, regardless of their native language, to obtain a second language while interacting with students from a range of diverse cultures and backgrounds setting the stage for cultural awareness, understanding, inclusion and global citizenship.

My twin daughters have participated in this program since early childhood. It has made them more academically competitive, socially confident and prepared for a world full of additional languages and cultures. I wish some of my clients had such an opportunity early in their careers!

I’m an advocate for good communication – and for being a global citizen. You can read more about the DISD Two-Way Dual Language program here.

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