Hughes Strategy is a boutique leadership development and communication firm, with a specialty in coaching, messaging and strategy.

The firm supports clients in a wide variety of industries including transportation, consumer goods, energy, construction, technology, and professional services.

Our Fortune 250 clients rely on Hughes Strategy to coach their top leaders in preparation for high profile keynote addresses, media engagements, analyst and investor calls, and critical internal communication. HS often partners with human resource departments and in-house communication teams to strategize around sensitive business issues, develop audience-appropriate messages and coach executives to effectively deliver those messages.

The Hughes Strategy System addresses critical leadership elements including:

  • Leadership Listening

  • Managing Your Personal Leadership Brand

  • Maintaining Message Discipline

  • Advancing the Conversation

  • Achieving Authority…with Empathy

  • Creating Impact Words

  • Sharing Your Vision…Not Just Your Data

Hughes Strategy offers coaching in a variety of formats, ranging from one-on-one sessions to large, company-wide presentations. Regardless of where our clients are on the leadership journey or the task they’re facing, the Hughes Strategy System is customized to meet their needs.

In addition to its client work, Hughes Strategy provides training to academic, civic and industry association groups.

The Hughes Strategy System:
A simplified approach to sophisticated communication.